Monday, January 14, 2013

GravityLight: lighting for the developing countries.

GravityLight: lighting for the developing countries.

GravityLight is a revolutionary new approach to storing energy and creating illumination. It takes only 3 seconds to lift the weight which powers GravityLight.

GravityLight: lighting for the developing countries from Therefore on Vimeo.


  1. I think that is incredible. Well done! Keep up the great work!! In time, perhaps this technology could be available to the world!

  2. Great work. May the Universe continue to inspire & bless you, your deeds & work for the sake of all of the world. Peace be upon you.

  3. Great work. May the Universe continue to guide, inspire, & bless you for the sake of all of the earth.

  4. Recommend using a 3d printer.

  5. It is great work to have achieved such a task, perhaps using a 3d printer the casing would literally cost next to nothing. And 3d printers such as the Retrap can in fact printer there own parts so production costs could be minimized.

  6. Developing villagers,I want one!

  7. respect, one of the best intelligent thing I have seen in the last 10 years!. usefull in even more ways I think
    good luck .

  8. Respect, one of the best ideas I have seen in the last ten Years . prob. there is much more you can do with it!
    good luck .

  9. Great work! A couple of ideas for improvement. Move the on/off switch out of the path of the light. Make the lamp swivel like an airplane's overhead light. What about a wind-up version?

  10. Incredible! We appreciate your idea! Keep on your amazing work :)

  11. i wonder why tf none of these things being used nowhere :|

  12. Have you considered the TV show called Shark Tank? The series features a panel of entrepreneurs and business executives called "Sharks" who consider offers from other entrepreneurs seeking investments for their business or product.

  13. Great for developing countries but i am keen to use them here too!!! Electricity prices in Australia are out of control. I would use the gravity light and larger versions of it in my House, shed, outside, inside, camping, back of ute, fishing, everywhere. They would make a great cost free alternative.

  14. Great job, incredible and really awesome work. Gravity light can be very useful in cutting the cost of electricity bills. Thanks for sharing.

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