Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Immortal Technique Speaks On Monsanto

The revolution we need is a revolution against the corporation

As we see our present-day society being utterly destroyed by corporations -- banking, agriculture, pharmaceutical, etc. -- we must get serious about what needs to happen to change the structure of corporations so that they serve humanity rather than destroying humanity.

Here are some suggestions worth considering:

#1) Strip away corporate personhood protections.

#2) Deny all patents on seeds, genes and medicines. Such things should belong to everyone, not to a monopolistic few. This would also take the profit out of medicine, meaning drug companies would no longer have a financial incentive to fabricate and promote fictitious diseases.

#3) Ban all corporate lobbying and campaign contributions. No corporation should have access to lawmakers, period. Lawmakers should serve the people who elected them and no one else.

#4) Disband all corporations that currently function as a danger to humanity. This would include, of course, Monsanto, Merck and many others. Who decides this? Whoever wins the revolution, of course. (Isn't that always the case?)

#5) Nationalize the Federal Reserve and make it "America's bank" so that Fed money is owned by the People and benefits the People instead of globalist banks.

#6) Halt the "revolving door" where government regulators take high-paying jobs at the very corporations they've been regulating. Once a person works in an influential position for a government regulator, they should be forever restricted from working for the industry they once regulated.

#7) End "Free Speech rights" for corporations. Corporations are not people. They have no God-given rights. By ending this fabricated "right," we could institute strict advertising limits that would prevent corporations from advertising harmful products to children and adults.

Stop supporting evil

The ultimate solution, of course, is a consumer solution: Stop purchasing products from evil corporations! This means you need to stop buying non-organic corn products such as breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, and corn snack chips.

Stop buying lawn pesticide chemicals. Stop buying medications. Stop buying toxic perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products. Stop buying soda pop and aspartame!

YOU help shift the world in a more positive direction by shifting your own personal purchasing habits. And that's something you can control right now, today, starting with the very next dollar you spend at the store.

BUY ORGANIC, non-GMO products wherever possible. You'll be changing the world one purchase at a time. That's a genuine, practical way to diminish the power of evil corporations starting right now.

Source : Natural News

World’s 100 Richest earned enough in 2012 to End Global Poverty 4 Times over

The world's 100 richest people earned a stunning total of $240 billion in 2012 – enough money to end extreme poverty worldwide four times over, Oxfam has revealed, adding that the global economic crisis is further enriching the super-rich.

“The richest 1 percent has increased its income by 60 percent in the last 20 years with the financial crisis accelerating rather than slowing the process,” while the income of the top 0.01 percent has seen even greater growth, a new Oxfam report said.

For example, the luxury goods market has seen double-digit growth every year since the crisis hit, the report stated. And while the world's 100 richest people earned $240 billion last year, people in “extreme poverty” lived on less than $1.25 a day.

Oxfam is a leading international philanthropy organization. Its new report, ‘The Cost of Inequality: How Wealth and Income Extremes Hurt us All,’ argues that the extreme concentration of wealth actually hinders the world’s ability to reduce poverty.

The report was published before the World Economic Forum in Davos next week, and calls on world leaders to “end extreme wealth by 2025, and reverse the rapid increase in inequality seen in the majority of countries in the last 20 years.”

Oxfam's report argues that extreme wealth is unethical, economically inefficient, politically corrosive, socially divisive and environmentally destructive.

The report proposes a new global deal to world leaders to curb extreme poverty to 1990s levels by:

- closing tax havens, yielding $189bn in additional tax revenues

- reversing regressive forms of taxation

- introducing a global minimum corporation tax rate

- boosting wages proportional to capital returns

- increasing investment in free public services

The problem is a global one, Oxfam said: “In the UK inequality is rapidly returning to levels not seen since the time of Charles Dickens. In China the top 10 percent now take home nearly 60 percent of the income. Chinese inequality levels are now similar to those in South Africa, which is now the most unequal country on Earth and significantly more [inequality] than at the end of apartheid.”

In the US, the richest 1 percent's share of income has doubled since 1980 from 10 to 20 percent, according to the report. For the top 0.01 percent, their share of national income quadrupled, reaching levels never seen before.

“We can no longer pretend that the creation of wealth for a few will inevitably benefit the many – too often the reverse is true,” Executive Director of Oxfam International Jeremy Hobbs said.

Hobbs explained that concentration of wealth in the hands of the top few minimizes economic activity, making it harder for others to participate: “From tax havens to weak employment laws, the richest benefit from a global economic system which is rigged in their favor.”

The report highlights that even politics has become controlled by the super-wealthy, which leads to policies “benefitting the richest few and not the poor majority, even in democracies.”

“It is time our leaders reformed the system so that it works in the interests of the whole of humanity rather than a global elite,” the report said.

The four-day World Economic Forum will be held in Davos starting next Wednesday. World financial leaders will gather for an annual meeting that will focus on reviving the global economy, the eurozone crisis and the conflicts in Syria and Mali.
Source: RT

Monday, June 3, 2013

101 Reasons to Legalize Marijuana

1 Marijuana grows naturally. Making something that is natural illegal is unnatural.

2 Marijuana is discriminated against by legislators that are too scared of being referred to as a druggie. Legislators won’t stand up for what they believe in, only the self interest of the corporations they represent.

3 Marijuana does not cause death.

4 Marijuana’s active ingredient THC is less toxic than nicotine.

5 Marijuana is not addictive.

6 Marijuana can be used to make hemp and other products such as paper (no more tree chopping) clothing, and rope. We can also make marijuana oil which can be used as a renewable fuel.

7 Legalizing marijuana will cause a sudden drop in need for beer. Wine won’t be affected as much as beer. Beer consumption will plummet.

8 There are more people in jail for drugs then there are other criminals.

9 Marijuana is an issue of public health, not the police.

10 Billions of dollars are spent on the war on drugs each year. IT destroy families and ruins lives.


11 Marijuana being legal will cause a sudden drop in using other harder drugs such as methamphetamines, barbiturates, heroin, alcohol and cocaine.

12 Alcohol and cigarettes kill more people a year than war.

13 People still drink and smoke regardless of the warnings.

14 Teenagers and children are lied to about marijuana by uninformed uneducated parents and propaganda.

15 anti marijuana legislation and TV propaganda are funded by the lobbyists that have interest in alcohol and timber.

16 cultivating marijuana will cause a spike in economic growth for more and more plantations of marijuana.

17 the cultivation of marijuana will create jobs for low income families.

18 the price of marijuana will plummet form 100 an ounce to 5 dollars an ounce

19 The US government is losing billions in tax revenue.

20 The US has more people in prison than any other country

21 The US is a few trillion dollars in debt

22 Marijuana can help HIV victims eat and sleep.

23 Marijuana can reverse the effects of crystal meth by making the person hungry and tired.

24 Marijuana does not impair your ability to drive as much as alcohol, however operating machinery driving and using power tools isn’t a good idea while using the plant.

25 Congress was lied to by yellow journalism

26 Marijuana is legal in Amsterdam and is on the way of being legal in Canada. Both countries have far less crime than the US.

27 Marijuana can be fermented into alcohol which burns cleaner than oil.

28 Africa can be the world’s largest supplier of hemp.

29 The US can spend the tax dollars generated by marijuana to fund a universal public health care system

30 Treatment of marijuana should increase instead of sending people to jail.

31 Mandatory minimum sentences should be outlawed. MMS only hurt the innocent while protecting the self interest of corporations.

32 Marijuana grows in the privacy of peoples homes ?

33 Marijuana’s fibers are an economical god send.

34 Because it's our right. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights written in the declaration of Independence.

35 Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

36 Marijuana does not cause cancer

37 Tobacco users will still get their nicotine from cigarettes.

38 By definition, Nicotine, Aspirin, Alcohol and THC are drugs. There are more drug users then there are non drug users.
39 Marijuana and alcohol cause short term memory loss. Alcohol destroys your liver, THC doesn’t.

40 Marijuana can be used to help alleviate pain and suffering humanely.

41 People who don’t want marijuana legal have a drug of choice.

42 Crime rates in countries where marijuana is legal is significantly lower than in the U.S.A

43 Marijuana effectively treats the symptoms of many serious illnesses like cancer & glaucoma.

44 Your teen has a better chance of dieing from alcohol or becoming pregnant then they do messing up their lives form marijuana.

45 using marijuana does not support terrorism.


46 Jamestown, Virginia had a law enacted stating that framers shall produce marijuana and sow the seeds everywhere.

47 Jamestown, Virginia was created 20 years before the Puritans sailed to New England.

48 It is human nature to seek pleasure.

49 There are more people using marijuana than people know.

50 Marijuana is used in world religions. 

51 Even if the government taxed it at a high rate it would still be much cheaper than its black market value today.

52 It is a plant. It is no more harmful than dandelions.

53 There are anti marijuana commercials but never commercials for anti drinking nor are their commercials for anti cocaine.

54 Cigarette companies are putting more nicotine in their products since more and more people are being killed and are quitting.

55 It cost more to smoke cigarettes than it does to smoke marijuana.

56 Marijuana can cure insomnia.

57 Marijuana does not kill brain cells, it only blocks receptors.

58 Legalizing Marijuana would actually make our streets safer.

59 Marijuana does not lower your immune system.

60 Marijuana smoke isn’t as bad as Cigarette smoke. Cigarettes have more carcinogens.

61 You can not overdose on marijuana.

62 Marijuana does not make you lazy

63 It is rare to cause toxic psychosis, but this is rare and usual stops in an hour or so.

64 Marijuana has the same potency as it does in the 60’s

65 There is no supporting evidence to date that shows drug prevention is working. So far it seems to only increase curiosity.

66 Marijuana increases heart rate and blood pressure more than cigarettes do. This is true. It doesn’t harden arteries like cigarettes however.

67 Marijuana prohibition is unconstitutional.

68 Marijuana seeds contains one of the highest sources of protein in nature.

69 Your parents probably tried marijuana!

70 So did your grandparents!


71 According to the NIDA, 1 in 6 10th grades use marijuana, 1 in 4 seniors of high schoolers use marijuana.

72 Marijuana smokers normally hang out with other smokers. People pay a premium and party; the owners collect the benefits and have a great time. This is normal.

73 Law enforcement could focus on real crimes such as violence.

74 Marijuana can grow in most climates.

75 Marijuana inspires painters to pain, writers to write, and musicians to music… or sing.

76 Marijuana is fibrous meaning that its fibers can be used to manufacture textiles.

77 There are patented machines that were designed to cultivate hemp which now remain useless since they are obsolete.

78 Marijuana will make the US less materialistic.

79 Marijuana is biodegradable.

80 Marijuana is a renewable resource that can help us prevent global warming.

81 Marijuana, if legal, will create a less of demand for harder drugs, thus eliminating cocaine.

82 With a nationwide health care plan, and marijuana being legal, GSK and other pharmaceutical monopolies will lose billions!

83 Marijuana can eliminate hostility in aggressive people. 

84 Psychologists could study deeper human motives while the patient was high on marijuana. This has since been stopped since the marijuana ban.

85 The US government could have an economic overhaul if they legalized marijuana.

86 how can people criticize something they never tried?

87 Marijuana can create an agriculture spike in demand for labor, thus allowing more jobs for immigrants. 

88 Indoor growth in peoples houses will stop since technically it is not worth growing indoors if it were legal.

89 The price of marijuana will drop allowing drug dealers to do something else.

90 It can be used to create fiberboard which is stronger and lighter than wood.

91 With the sudden drop in people in jail for non-violent crimes will cause states to have more revenue since they don’t have to pay to keep innocent people in jail.

92 the extra funding grated to states will allow for increase treatment for addiction to harder drugs.

93 If legalized marijuana will become the drug of choice over Cigarettes and alcohol.

94 States with the extra revenue can place more funding into schools telling people not to do drugs.

95 Job training can be provided to low income families with zero expense to the tax payers. All funded by the taxation of marijuana.

96 States can make legislation stating that cultivation of marijuana should be regulated with a license to grow. Licenses will allow people to pay taxes on the marijuana they produce.

97 Tax stamps can also produce revenue on states that are too large or to populated to regulate cultivation.

98 Marijuana is an excellent party drug. For thousands of years mankind used marijuana as an intoxicant.

99 There are over 1 million arrests a year for the possession of Marijuana.

100 Marijuana is the only drug that, if made stronger, still can not kill you.

101 Marijuana can create stronger family ties by relieving stress form the work environment.

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