Friday, January 25, 2013


Russian PM says you should watch this film.

Russian PM Medvedev interview: Aliens On Earth!

Aliens live among us: Confirmed by Russian PM

A Ministry of Foreign Affairs report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s agenda at the World Economic Forum this week states that Russia will warn President Obama that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.

Africa doesn't need vaccines !

AFRICA DOESN'T NEED VACCINES BILL GATES! They need clean food, water, education, hospitals, and homes! THEY DO NOT NEED GMO SEEDS FROM MONSTANTO EITHER. THEY ALSO DONT NEED AMERICAN TROOPS OCCUPYING 35 AFRICAN COUNTRIES. Stop robbing AFRICA! Haven't you robbed and poisoned enough of your own people America? Hands off the rest of the world. We are getting sick of it. We don't mind countries that mind their own business. SORT YOUR OWN ISSUES OUT AMERICA BEFORE TRYING TO SORT OUT OTHER COUNTRIES. Your dollar is failing, the QE1, 2, 3 and to infinity have just debased your currency beyond repair. The coming economic collapse will make 2008 look like a picnic. Wake up America. The last dollars of your existence are being given to the wrong people, at the wrong time, and you will be left high and dry if things don't change. NOW.

50 African Children Paralyzed After Vaccine

Today on Press For Truth TV - 

African Children Paralyzed After Receiving Vaccine

At least 50 children in the small village of Gouro in northern Chad have developed paralysis following vaccinations with “MenAfriVac,” a new meningitis vaccine developed specifically for Africa.

Join PFT on Facebook here: 

Park Avenue: money, power and the American dream

Also hosted on our brother site:

I Thought You Said This Couldn't Happen in America?

Sacred Geometry - DNA changes Mollecular Atom Consciousness

Gregg Braden: The Divine Matrix

Epic Win Compilation Part 2

Epic Win Compilation - Faith in humanity restored.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Pediatrician Speaks Out on Fluoridation

From a trusted professional.
Mind = Blown ?

Urine Powered Generator - Africa

The Urine Powered Generator

In the photo are the 3 African girls that invented this amazing device!

Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, and Faleke Oluwatoyin and Bello Eniola collaborated on the invention, which they claim generates one hour of electricity from one liter  of urine.

(Credit: Maker Faire Africa)

A post from Maker Faire Africa blog describes how it works: 
  • Urine is put into an electrolytic cell, which separates out the hydrogen. 
  • The gas cylinder pushes hydrogen into a cylinder of liquid borax, which is used to remove the moisture from the hydrogen gas. 
  • This purified hydrogen gas is pushed into the generator.

Here are 10 REALLY SIMPLE tips to save a lot of money on utility bills.

Here are 10 REALLY SIMPLE tips to saving a lot of money on your utility bills.

1. Shut off your energy consuming devices as soon as you're done with them. / use them less.
2. Don't leave things on standby.
3. Cold? Put on a sweatshirt. (obviously, don't take this too extreme)
4. Leave the oven open after you're finished cooking.
5. Keep all your doors and windows CLOSED. Get IN or OUT!
6. Is it day time? Don't use your lights.
7. Going to work/ holiday/ out for a while? Shut off the heat!
8. Have radiators? Use refelective foil behind them!
9. Shorten your shower time by a couple minutes!
10. When the heat is on, set the temp a couple degrees lower!

Bonus tips!

Solar Panels Can Save Over 30% On Your Annual Bills

Mini wind turbines!

Insulated blanket for your hot water tank!

Switch providers to a cheaper tariff!

Thermal Dynamic Atmospheric systems!

Air source, ground source, heat pumps!



There are loads of ways! Some of you need to catch up!

Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment

This experiment changed everything we know about the universe.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

World leaders met today to discuss global threats in 2013

Economic Collapse, Alien Encounters, Rogue Weather Control, WMD's and more at the World Economic Forum today in Davos, Switzerland

Here is some of the data:

Leading causes of death in America

In America 2011 about 2.4 million people died:

Here are the leading causes:

America also had over 8,000,000 car crashes, of which, the number of reported death is about 38,000 and the reported injuries is in the thousands and thousands. Over 5,000 teens die each year and over 250,000 suffer catastrophic injuries at the handicap level: loss of sight, loss of brain capabilities, loss of toes and finger, arms and legs, face and head injuries, burns, etc. That is over 825 permanently injured EACH DAY.

Heart disease
598,607 deaths

Malignant neoplasms (tumors)
568,668 deaths

Chronic lower respiratory diseases (lung disease)
137,082 deaths

Cerebrovascular diseases (brain disease)
128,603 deaths

Alzheimer’s disease
78,889 number of deaths

Diabetes mellitus
68,504 deaths

Over 50,000 Deaths

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (kidney disease)
48,714 deaths

36,547 deaths

31940 people died from gun injuries. 

So... Ban all cars? Focus on the least of our worries?
Priorities are a funny thing... Education, love and understanding is the only way forward.

The effects of different drugs on Spiders

No Mcdonalds in the Dandenong Ranges!

This is a map of the Mcdonalds globalization efforts in Australia.

One on every street corner, across the whole world?

Not for these people. They are standing up and protesting. Help pass on the petition!
*(8,340 signatures so far!) - 88% of the public refuses mcdonalds entry. Yet they are pushing ahead. They need your help.

Join their facebook page to keep up to date: 

Read more about this story in the past: 

Alexandria: Underwater Museum

Sorry, it's in french. But, that's ok, we know you can handle it.

Obama called the anti christ on live tv.

The Secret History Of Fluoridation And The Doctors That Speak Out Against It

You really have to see this, "A history of fluoride"

See the effects of fluoride on the pineal gland:

And here's another must watch video with Doctors speaking out against fluoride: Please share this stuff!
Get involved, sign the petitons, join an action group:

Fluoride and The Pineal Gland



Fluoride is dumbing down the world. REJECT IT

Fluoride is not generously given to the public to keep their teeth healthy. 


Fluoride was used by hitler to dumb down and control his people.

Fluoride is a biproduct from the aluminum industry and it's extremely expensive to despose of properly. It's a good thing they have a cover story. "It's for your own good". Ok, then why not give us other vitamins and minerals in our water we actually need? If they are so "generous" and concerned for our health...???

Stop fluoride now - To the world health organization.

If you're worried about fluoride, first of all, GOOD. But, what can you do about it? You can make your own toothpaste easily. You don't have to worry about cleaning your water (that's secondary) and DO NOT BOIL (only concentrates the fluoride). Watch out for bottled water products that will also contain fluoride. You should be primarily focused on STOPPING THE FLUORIDE from going in the water in the first place. You have already had plenty, but you can stop it by getting involved. Many petitions and action groups exist WORLDWIDE. We will post them if you have trouble finding them on your own.


Steven Nekhaila: "Fluoride has aleady been removed from various towns and cities in the United States thanks to citizens demanding it be removed. One town removed it after a citizen gave a 30 minute powerpoint presentation. We can influence this."


We are going to say this again, because its obvious so many missed the point. THE BEST WAY TO GET FLUORIDE OUT OF YOUR WATER SUPPLY: Is to, YOU and WE the people STAND UP and DEMAND that they STOP PUTTING FLUORIDE IN THE WATER. That is the best way to get rid of fluoride.

FLURIDE - FAN's Professionals Statement to End Water Fluoridation has been signed by over 4,000 medical, dental, scientific, and environmental professionals. See the list of signatories and add your name to the list. Professionals can add their name to this statement by clicking here

NATURAL NEWS: Fluoride is a waste product!

Public "Education" has become indoctrination and distraction

Found on Knowledge of

A video explaining how schools only want you to be obedient worker bees.

Do as we say or you fail. School
Do as we say or you go to jail. State
Do as we say or you go to hell. Religion

Live Free Or Die - DCP Feat. NKP

Revolutionary music with conscious lyrics designed for change.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Switzerland has rejected tighter gun controls

Switzerland has over 2 million registered guns with a population of only 7 million. They have one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

A vote was put to the people asking if they should put restrictions on military style weapons via putting them in armories instead of allowing them in citizens home. The law was rejected by the masses.

Read More about this story here:

Breaking News: Multiple people Shot at Lone Star College -

When Should You Shoot a Cop?

Watch our facebook page for the most predictable response from "intelligent" "law" obeying patriots.

Sandy Hook Fully Exposed - OFFICIAL PART 2

This is the sequel to "Sandy Hook - Fully Exposed". since the time it was made, some points have been debunked. That does not mean there is not still a ton of evidence and information not only in this video, but loads of others, feel free to link. 

Declassified documents prove government and media lies

If all declassified documents from the past explain how the governments and media repeatedly lied to us "for our own good", then why do so many still believe they are telling the truth today?

Anonymous #Operation American Freedom

The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed

Feel free to watch this in your own time. 

Warning from youtube:

Warning: you may poop your pants.

If you think the Sandy Hook shooting was real. Watch this. That is all I have to say.
Just watch it. Don't comment until you do. Or you will be banned and comment refused.

David C. Gorczynski chared with bank robbery and terrorism for holding a sign


David C. Gorczynski, of Pennsylvania's Occupy movements, was arrested and charged with four felonies for holding two signs:

 one saying “You’re being robbed” and another that said “Give a man a gun, he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob a country.” Gorczunski is being charged with bank robbery and "terroristic threatening". He was released on $10,000 bail. 

Felonies for Free Speech.

What Bill of Rights? - ANONYMOUS

Here are the official charges most of the media didn't get.

The last US election cost a staggering $6bn

The last US election cost over $6billion! 

Kick big money out of politics

 - click here to sign and share with everyone:

Petition to release surveillance from Sandy Hook.

Release video surveillance footage from the Sandy Hook Elementary School, during the Shooting Massacre.

Do you question the official story? Know the truth. Demand the truth.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Report - DCP Feat. NKP.

You have got to check out this guys lyrics! Revolutionary!
Music for the awakening

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