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Isn't this just a comercial to make those rehabs make more money??
ReplyDeleteSounds like agreat place for money to go to me.
DeleteNo. Its a comercial to get people help. Did you watch it?
DeleteWouldn't the world be a better place if all the money spent on wars would go to rehabilitation and other programs to help those in need?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLegalization of Methamphetamine is the dumbest idea I have ever heard. This drug grabs you and does not let go without the fight of your life, and losing the fight will cost you your life. Been There, Done That.
ReplyDeleteit is one hell of a drug, literally. i also feel that if we started putting these people in rehab instead of prison better things will come of it.
Deletemethamphetamine is legal... except it has a pretty name called adderal.. and its made in million dollar labs instead of someones basement
DeleteGood to know you have the right idea, shoot people who use drugs lol. You wouldn't have the balls to shoot a dog, boy.
ReplyDeleteMan you have to have some compassion for your fellow humans. Imagine if nobody cared about you, how easy would it be to completely change your life around for the better? close to impossible. I don't know about legalization or anything, but I do know we have to treat it as an illness. Look at smokers, they're going to get their drug, luckily it's inexpensive. To any addict (coming from a smoker myself) they're going to get their addiction unless they have the support to stop and of course commitment, nobody wants to live like a drug addict.
ReplyDeleteTreat it like an illness and abstinence, instead of our awesome medical system giving people methadone that just gets them hooked on a legal high which they will probably never break.
Unfortunately this is the shocking truth. Gald we have a better system here in Holland
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous @ 10:14AM - Open your eyes, the smack and crack heads ALREADY run around and fuck shit up for society. Making something illegal will never stop people from disobeying. If heroin would be legal tomorrow would you decide it's definitely time to go out and try heroin? I sure wouldn't, because I like to think I have a thing called "uncommon sense" (it's no longer common) and I know better. Imagine the billions of dollars every year that is thrown into the deep dark pit that is the prohibition racket being re-routed to be spent on real truthful education about drugs, and treating those people who are already hopelessly addicted. This prohibition shit has got to go.
ReplyDeleteYou're sick. You're what is wrong in society.
ReplyDeleteyour lack of compassion is the problem, the lack of compassion and feeling of worthlessness is the reason why most people turn to drugs... as long as your attitude exists we will never move on as a human race.
ReplyDeleteyour lack of compassion is the problem with the world today... lack of compassion and the feeling of worthlessness is the reason why most people turn to drugs. as long as your attitude exists we will never be able to move on and develop to our potential as a species
ReplyDeleteSo if u end up with an addition should we shoot you too? Or perhaps your child? It could happen.
ReplyDeleteSo, who should the meth addicts call for help if their family doesn't have the money for one of these top rehabs?
ReplyDeleteHere's what happens when All That Dope becomes Legal: 1.) the Price Drops. 2.) The State Makes Lots, & Lots, of $. Bc They Tax It. (The State should be able to make That Meth, for example, for around 33 cents a gram, & Sell it for around $30. Every1 who Wants to Quit picks up Da Fone, Dials the 800 Number, & get's a bed at a World Class Treatment facility, paid for by the aforementioned Taxes. The Post-legalization environment is Not too diff from The Legal Drug Alcohol today, stuff like DUI, Public Intox. etc.,Remains Illegal.
Delete" So, who should the meth addicts call for help if their family doesn't have the money for one of these top rehabs? "
DeleteThats an easy one. The Salvation Army is free. its a great inpatient program.
Why does it always have to be about blaming liberals get over yourself! Im a liberal and I DONT agree with this video! I also dont agree with your lack of respect for your fellow man. We are supposed to support and help eachother not demean and kill eachother.
ReplyDeletei feel bad for meth....... it's the one being abused, all these abusers aged horribly... you feel sad for them aging, but have you seen the torment and pain that meth was put through on a day to day basis.... terrible trajedy, and no one even cares... it's like that with most cases of abuse, it's always about the abuser and no one even cares about the abused.... poor meth, i hope that meth gets help for the abuse done by all these horrible people
ReplyDeleteYou have to believe there is still good in people. Just because someone goes down the wrong path doesn't mean they can't be helped. Most likely depression or a tragic event influenced bad decisions. Would you say the same thing if it were you own brother or sister? This is coming from a conservative.
ReplyDeleteits pretty much already legal amphetmines are Adderol and such are pretty much the same. I understand not exactly. The problem with prohibition is it doesn't work. It causes violence by the black market it creates. IE alchol, fire arms, marijuana to just name a few. In theory if you got rid of the forbidden aspect which why most people do anything. the whole saying curiousity kill the cat. Well we are like them in that respect curious. don't forbid and take the money to inform on the dangers and therefor you won't have a black market trying to our children hooked. It would be regulated by the FDA so at least those who remained addicts would get clean supply. Then over time this number would decline with the proper education of the populace. People like to have the choice and not be told they have to do something and defiance is part of human nature. Which you have all proved by arguing on this thread.
ReplyDeleteThis ain't the alcohol prohibition. Alcohol's legalized because the effin law makers were drinking it. Treat the cause, don't worsen it. People don't drink alcohol because it tastes good...its because it does some good to you.
DeleteI understand your reasoning, but it's no well educated opinion for a topic like this. Do think of the repercussions and not just one side of the coin. Legalize all drugs so you won't have the black market? Come on! Treat the mental issues inclining addictive behaviours. God, imagine if all drugs were will cost billions of dollars. And its coming from our pockets. Legalize all drugs? Just makes it more you even know how highly addictive meth is? Drugs speed up mortality rates....meth can kill you.
So sad to see people leave such Judgemental and Uncaring comments !!!! I bet if it was your child you would have a very differant opinion !!! Maybe you should go volunteer at a shelter or rehab before you shoot off your opinions,after 1 month I bet your posts and opinions will be very differant !!! Good Luck :)
ReplyDeleteNo one sets out to be an addict. Ultimately it is the result of an impoverished society. People react to despair differently.
ReplyDeleteIncreasingly our highly centralized corporatist culture mopping the last vestiges of the free market system that yielded our middle class. Resultingly the People are cornered and hemmed into this slot or that menial soul sucking position, within the dominance architecture.
And yes, coddling would be preferable to ritualized abuse by the State. Except the State is ultimately unable to coddle anything but it's own self-interest.
No one sets out to be an addict. Ultimately it is the result of an impoverished society. People react to despair differently.
ReplyDeleteIncreasingly our highly centralized corporatist culture mopping the last vestiges of the free market system that yielded our middle class. Resultingly the People are cornered and hemmed into this slot or that menial soul sucking position, within the dominance architecture.
And yes, coddling would be preferable to ritualized abuse by the State. Except the State is ultimately unable to coddle anything but it's own self-interest.
How stupid does one have to be to start taking meth in the first place? What are these users looking for??
ReplyDeletebrazil legalized and usage there has never been lower.
ReplyDeleteYou people need to goto and learn something
ReplyDeleteJehovah loves these people and only by his help can they get away from the drugs. I always pray for the people that are on drugs because I know they can get help if they really want it. I know this to be a can change your life for the better.
ReplyDeleteAs an ex meth addict, no I won't call myself a recovering addict, it honestly doesn't make a difference if it's legal or not. To say cutting off their money supply would kill them or straighten them up is pure ignorance. Addicts will stop at nothing to survive and continue their lifestyles. I've been clean for 4 years now. I never went to rehab. I was ready to change. By the way I was an addict for roughly 10 years with breaks in the middle. No rehab in the world would have made me change what I wasn't ready to change. The person that made the comment about shooting "these useless human being" regardless of the situation every human being serves a purpose in an economy. You're a freaking dense creature who needs to be shot. Conservative prick.
ReplyDeleteAs an ex meth addict, no I won't call myself a recovering addict, it honestly doesn't make a difference if it's legal or not. To say cutting off their money supply would kill them or straighten them up is pure ignorance. Addicts will stop at nothing to survive and continue their lifestyles. I've been clean for 4 years now. I never went to rehab. I was ready to change. By the way I was an addict for roughly 10 years with breaks in the middle. No rehab in the world would have made me change what I wasn't ready to change. The person that made the comment about shooting "these useless human being" regardless of the situation every human being serves a purpose in an economy. You're a freaking dense creature who needs to be shot. Conservative prick.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if you weren't such an extremist you would understand.
ReplyDeleteIf the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others, you've probably taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way...
ReplyDeletewhy make it ilegal? nothing is goin to make them stop the only people that will b outof a "job" is the drug dealer! there every where we look!! this is life and we just have to live with it that there are smack heads and crack heads all over!
ReplyDeleteLegalization isn't necessarily the answer, decriminalization for sure.
ReplyDeleteLegalization may not be the answer . . decriminalization for sure.
ReplyDeleteTo legalize drug consume will not solve the misery. It will multiply the consume. What is needed, is to change the root cause why people take drugs. They use these substances to survive when feeling frustrated in their life. Every thing people do to feel 'good' might make them addicted to this substance or action and so keeping them in a trap,as it helps them to escape from reality by not relating and responding to what shows up in their daily life. We need to confront our daily life and so we need to stand firm on the ground, that is the *earth* and NOT drifting away into clouds when not wanting to deal with ones negative reactions caused when conditions are NOT what one is expecting! One needs to understand that life is a learning and growing process, even though it is some times hard. But it is absolutely useless wanting to escape as this ends in self destruction. What one can see clearly in this pictures! What is needed, is information how to deal in a creative way with life and oneself. This is hardly offered in our society, as nearly every thing is ruled by money interests. With other words: Every body is involved in a big scam within our society and also with oneself! So the first step would be to realize this and then ask critical questions: About ones surrounding and about oneself! But is there anybody who wants this? We need to *face the fake*! Not looking for the fault at the outside and others, but by becoming aware of ourselves, out reactions and our conditioning when being identified with our mindset. That is our learning and growing! Understanding this will open oneself for opportunities, seeing these as a challenge...
ReplyDeleteI do agree that these people need treatment however to make all drugs leagal is foolish and sends the wrong message!
ReplyDeleteWalter White should be ashamed of this...
ReplyDeleteIt never stops amazing me how hateful and ignorant people can be.
ReplyDeletecoming as being a drug user myself, treatment and everything like that only help the people who wish to be helped, having a drug problem is only a problem if you let it become one. i use drugs every day, but i maintain a job, my apartment, my car payments, all of that. just because you use drugs doesnt make you a worthless human being. there are people who dont use drugs that treat life like its nothing. more people use drugs than you think, your neighbor, shit even your kids are using drugs without you knowing, so if your kids using drugs, should they be shot too? to be honest i think people like YOU should be shot for being a compassionless prick
ReplyDeleteI dont understand why everyone is acting like meth ruins peoples lives.I used meth as my diet plan and im fine.The fact of the matter is those people were highly addictive.If the they had enough since to not pick thier skin and act like vulchers they would be fine.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter at all, life isn't that good anymore, we have evolved to a point where there is no point in saving nobody, think about it we're over 7000 million people on the world, somebody has to die, if not it would lead to our extinction, lack of compassion ?, don't make me laugh, do you think that any of those drug addicts feel any compassion for any of you, they would rob you, stab you and buy more meth with that money.
ReplyDeleteI even find the title picture kinda funny
DeleteLooks like she was in a meth house explosion... And wtf we don't need to shoot them. We need to treat it as a medical condition being as that certain drugs such as meth and heroin actually cause changes in brain chemistry. So why don't we just shoot you instead since you don't seem to have an understanding of things in life how does that sound to you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei agree whole heartedly the system was never broken it was built that way
Deletei agree whole heartedly the system was never broken it was built that way
DeleteI even find the title picture of the video kind of funny.
ReplyDeleteI'm locked and loaded. The problem with taking all the enforcement $$ and using it for rehab is that people make stupid decisions then rely on the goverment to take care of their asses. Rehab has a massive relapse anyhow so it would be a revolving door. Death is permanete though so maybe a 3 strikes rehab, first two are mistakes third strike you're 6 feet under. It's not a compassion issue but a responsability issue.
ReplyDeleteMeth Doesnt Look Like That On A Person. I've Seen Someone Who Does It And Has Been For Awhile. You Just Dont Want To Be Around Them. So This Is A Fake. Js You Can Hate.
ReplyDeleteYou will never understand anything.
ReplyDeleteSeeing as we want to shoot people .... how about we shoot the dealers. Make it a mandatory death sentence for the dealers ..... afterall, they are murdering people.
ReplyDeletephotoshop lol
ReplyDeleteI don't think they should legalise drugs but legalise those that use it. The game is rigged and society is crumbling you guys that lack no compassion for your fellow man fail to see that this one day can be your mother, sister brother or a loved one and then come back and tell me what your saying now.
ReplyDeleteTo say that drug dealers are murdering people is to say the same for gun makers and pharmaceutical companies as well.
ReplyDeleteTo say drug dealers are murderers is to say that gun makers and pharmaceutical companies are as well. Do you blame the gun maker for the person who kills someone? No you don't. Do we blame the pharmaceutical companies for developing drugs that also kill people? No we do not.
ReplyDeleteI used drugs and drank for 28 years. The last ten I was a crack addict. I went to a program in NC called TROSA. July 25, 2013 will be 8 years clean and sober. It is possible!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and congratulations!! That is wonderful!!
DeleteThere are unused icons on your desktop
ReplyDeleteDrug addiction is an issue that has stemmed from various experiences one may have... most are a result of a mental illness or bad experience. The fact that someone keeps going back to a substance and would rather be high than live in their reality is only the surface. If you look beneath the surface you can somewhat understand how they got to this point and you can see it's all a result of what's going on their mind.
ReplyDeleteWe can all agree meth is a terrible drug but by having such violent opinions for someone with a drug addiction is just bullying these people and creating a situation that is far worse for them.
What make you think these people have no right to live on an Earth you don't own?
I myself have NEVER and NEVER WILL touch meth because I know I have an addictive personality and I know living with a mental illness is hard enough let alone an addiction.
Unfortunately for these people their environment and experience brought them to this point and like many have pointed out, no one sets out to be an addict and NOBODY wants to look and feel and live like THAT. That's what you need to understand.
What you also need to understand is that you do not have a right to an opinion when all you are doing is spreading hate, you don't have the right to bring somebody down and you don't have the right to decide on whether someone lives or dies based on what they put in their mouth or any other hole for that matter! You have not tried to help in any way, you've lost your humanity and you are the one who needs help.
Umm, legalize all drugs? Wtf?? How the eff is that going to save money? This ain't like alcohol prohibition...just makes drugs more accessible. And meth is known as not just any drug, it's a highly addictive drug.Do the research pls before posting and making a bold statement.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, people need help...
5meo-DMT has been found to cure meth addicts of their addiction, as ibogaine does to heroin addiction. Cured in one day might I add. But unfortunayely the US government keeps these substances illegal because of all the money they make off of their populations drug habbits. Its far more profitable to have a revolving door on your rehabs, as well as having the pharmys hook you on life long freinds like suboxin and methadone. Never mind the money they make off of selling illicit drugs. 80% of heroin comes from Afghanistan, before we took it over, the taliban did not allow the growing of opium poppys.
ReplyDeleteRehabs are in it for the dollars just like privately owned prisons
ReplyDeleteCounties like Portugal have already shown us that decriminalizing all drugs, and legalizing most, has in fact lowered not just the drug rates, but crime and infectious diseases as well! If we treat addicts like ill patients and offer treatment instead of throwing them in prison to rot and be an expensive burden on society, they have the chance to be healthy, contributing members of society. Not to mention the socio-economic status of the population would be more sound than the current state of affairs we suffer from now...
ReplyDeleteI think you need to b shot for saying that obviously u know shit about addictions well guess what no one is immune it can happen to anyone and addiction is a diesese you have know knowledge about this so go do your research i dont have to do research cause i am a former crack and heroin addict for 10 years of my life i had the whole world ahead of me offers from university's an all that but i liked to party an before i knew what was happening it was too late 10 years of pure hell been clean for 5 years now an would never wish it upon my worst enemy also well over half of the people with addictions have mental health issues sometimes that's why thaey start using in the first place anyway when you know shit all about something you shouldn't say shit all about it do some research
ReplyDeleteHey guys if you research methamphetamine you will find that it is FDA approved and sold under the name of desoxyn and used to treat ADHD of forms of Obesity and is being researched for treatment of Depression and Narcolepsy and other illnesses, drug dealers are not murders and you wont find anyone that can say that a dealer made them buy and use a drug. Where the problem lies with drugs is abuse, there is always consequences when you abuse anything whether it be drugs, food or anything else but the biggest abuse is when they shoot it in their veins because it skips the filtering process that the body uses before it hits the blood stream.
ReplyDeleteGoogle meth study, meth helps cure the flu and acts as a defense against the flu if your using. Tid bit I ran across thought Id share
ReplyDeleteAnonymous,apparently you are a Nazi, wanting to kill people who you find "undesirable"perhaps we should just round up people like you for the ovens. The world would be a better place for it. It is just common logic, we all do better when we all do better. We would save incredible amounts of money if we legalized drugs; in law enforcement, in the legal system, and in incarceration. The people who want help could get help. As for the folks that don't, things would remain pretty much the same except that we would as a nation, be saving all that wasted money. Killing people whose lifestyle you don't agree with? There would be none of us left.
ReplyDeleteDeath's our stock & trade here on our own soil, our first or final solution. few to none are willing to admit that as the dark yet great truth it is (and it is just that). we see they giveth, and dread for if or when they taketh away. I guess if you aren't strong enough to deal with the pain inflicted, you were never meant to survive in the first place, now were you?
ReplyDeletecall me heartless if you wish. But then again, that is after all, the natural laws of the earth. not of human.
I can't believe all the ridiculous comments I just read. there are a lot of ignorant assholes out there. I guess you all must have a perfect life and have never made any stupid decisions. I'm a recovered crack addict of 10 years after being addicted for 10 years. I held q job and had a life and I did more than my plenty. but I had friends and a father who helped me realize a lot of the reasons I was an addict was because of ,life problems and depression. I definitely don't agree on legalizing meth, maybe Marijuana, it is a natural herb that grows from a seed given to us by God. which is one thing nobody mentioned. maybe search for what causes addiction. believe me God was and is my refuge. yes the government is not the answer. they don't caare. and rehab doesn't usually work. people are going to do what they want to do and only they can make the changes needed. all you perfect people out there need to listen to yourselves. I was appalled by the negative shit people push upon other's. u people sound like u need help. all in all it is what it is and negativity won't help anything. God Bless to all who took the time to give your opinions, but they are like assholes everbody has one and there is no one answer but let the addicts decide for themselves. your opinions really mean nothing. so peace out and get over it.
ReplyDeleteMan go get some more fucking crack Remember how good the push was Well it still is
DeleteIt must be nice to be perfect, "Anonymous".
ReplyDeleteIt must be nice to be perfect, "Anonymous".
ReplyDeleteyou make me angry... but i still have a heart for you, you simple thinking thing!
ReplyDeleteTrue drug addiction is a sickness, not a criminal offense. Please end the drug war and treat the sickness.
ReplyDeleteBTW, someone who chooses to pleasurably wind down with some marijuana after a long day at work is no more an addict than someone who chooses a fine glass of wine after work..
You can never know what will lead you to addiction. When loss will strike, when the easy high becomes to convenient. You never know when you're going to get that uneasy feeling, that burn or tickle in the back of your neck, you never know when that voice is going to echo in the back of your head, the one that wasn't there before but the one that's so hard to fight. Fuck you. You're just a pathetic troll on the internet. I've been clean for a little while, not gets easier with time.
ReplyDeleteI've lived with an inherited disease that has crippled my left knee with severe arthritis (thanks ma) since as long as I can remember. I'm 24 and need a cane to walk around. But I didn't when I was high. Oh, god, I could walk around freely and I could even run on good days. But there were huge downsides. If I didn't get it, I'd steal it. I shamed myself, I shamed my family. I stole from people I cared about. And the withdrawal? Made the addiction and dependency seem like a cakewalk. At least I only had to live with the shame knowing people knew. I could convince myself temporarily they didn't, but I knew they really did. There was a difference.
Get help if you need it and you know you do. But no one can help until you yourself admit you need it, and even then it's easier said than done. And don't let these childish pricks derail you. They don't know, and if they do then they should know better. It's people like that which make it so hard to keep the shame at bay long enough to put it down and tough it out.
There's no one, easy answer. I wish there were. But it's certainly not this idiot. Have a good one.
Yes, yes yes, Drugs should be legalize , !!!! People are so blind, do not want see how the system fool them, first War of Drugs, it is a joke, a way to make money for the government, private prison , you really think if it was a real concern you will not find any drugs anywhere but the fact is, you can, even home delivery ....If you legalize they will be no need of dealers, or gang etcc and the people will take less, plus the money can help the ill people who were on hard drugs. Also Medicine, alcohol, cigarette; vaccines, are legals DRUGS, that make people addict freely and the corporations, our government making billions out of it...and not going to change....FOOLING THE PEOPLE WHO CAN'T SEE WHAT IT'S WRONG AT THE CORE ....and when the humankind will love conditionally its fellow human, they will be no need of few people on top of the pyramid to control the mass ...;
ReplyDeleteIt's attitudes like that that give people something they want to escape from, I just don't you don't have teenage kids 'cos I'd almost bet they'd so want some drugs when you are around..
ReplyDeleteI was in an accident as a child leaving me with no coordination causing me social disorders causing many problems with family and friends. I also was raped camping by an older male and behind my back was called more than just a fag, I have been suicidal my whole life I found crack at fifteen which lead to heroin. I ended up in jail for a long time which helped me stay abstinent but when I was released the only way I made it was I fell in love I had a great life until I separated from my ex. At some point after that I received my first dui. I put myself in a position to have my daughter being shaken by the same sister that would tie me up and sick here dog on me as a child I lost it and became a full fledged alcoholic. I was sober two years til two months ago. IM fighting for my life I almost agree that people like me and my families could benefit more from death, I do not believe in incarceration it only makes you more of a victim and gives you more connections that's retarded. Rehab without true training on employment family and abstinence there is no hope if rehab cured people they would be out of business and a lot of government employees would lose there jobs drug addicts and alcoholics provide a lot of jobs for lawyers judges doctors and rehabs, and the state gets paid daily by the federal government to house inmates. None of these organizations want this to stop. The only way it would even slow down is legalization of drugs. It's common sense that are ignorant country has none of so tell me if it's better if we die, probably life of pain or a little mourning of our families. Dying is the only way I believe this nightmare can end. For those on meth the desire to use is the only thing keeping them alive. Wake up America please you unsympathetic greedy people. Take out the profit that comes from addicts and you'll find a cure. I can keep going about doctors kick backs from prescribing dangerous drugs that only amplify peoples problems wake the f up!
ReplyDeleteI do meth my bills on face looks the same as it did in high the are functioning alcoholics there are functioning meth users.for the idiots who want to shoot users in the head.go screw yourself.this is my way of coping after being in firefights where my buddies brains,blood or pieces of his body were on my cammies.there is no support system for people with ptsd.
ReplyDeleteMan you are in for the battle of your life. Get some help.
DeleteDrug addiction usually begins as an attempt to escape from some painful reality. The USA wastes billions of dollars every year locking these people up for non violent crimes; they are not criminals but fellow human beings in desperate need of medical and psychological care and it would cost tax payers far less money to treat them then to imprison them. Jails are big business and once you have a felony your only choice is to steal or deal drugs to survive keeping sick people in and out of the prison often for life. Are we really the kind of people that destroy lives because of a disease?
ReplyDeletethere is a troll on your page
ReplyDeleteeven if drugs get legalized there will still be "homemade drugs" being sold illegaly. just like ciggs. they are legal but people still sell indian ciggs illegaly. alcohol still gets bootlegged. prescription drugs still being sold illegaly. medicinal marijuana still being sold illegaly. the fact is no matter what even if drugs like meth gets legalized and made by the government people will still make it at home and sell it and it will still kill people. The extra money "saved" from making it legal will never go towards anyhing that will help this world because the government doesnt believe in making this a better place they only care for themselves and would place the money towards war or something stupid like that. Shit happens., I have a friend that use to use herion for 6 years and she has now been clean for 5 years and in 6 weeks will be done her methadone. she said doing the drug just made her numb to the world and all the pain in her life and it felt better than the depression she experienced day to day. Then she overdosed and almost died. and since then she has not touched it. she has told me horror stories of people doing too much their first time and died right where they took it. how anybody would want that lifestyle is beyond me. maybe if the government had more psychiatric treatments available at a lower price or even free, people wouldnt have to turn to drugs to ease them of their pain. If this world wasnt so damn hard to live in then the world would have alot less problems. lets try making it possible for people to live comfortably making only 16,000.00/year. most jobs are minimum wage and that only cuts it for living costs at most. most of these people dont even have vehicles to get back and forth to work. Its so sad that 16,000.00/ year does not cut it with tax increases and price hikes. For what? so we can afford for people to make babies while having no job. or for people to go out and party and do these drugs all paid by us oh and here is a better one for people to go away on vacation for a week all inclusive on us and where is it coming from..... the government/ tax increases!!!! If we wanna save money start drugs testing everyone on welfare and make people get jobs. stop making it so easy for these people that make $0 and doesnt contribute a cent to taxes to go out and sit on their asses or do these drugs or GO ON VACATION (like seriously piss me off). I know of another girl just turned 22 has 3 kids and hasnt worked a day in her life. why would she. I make a little over 700/biweekly for my minimum wage job which i work my ass off each day doing 8 hour shifts just going steady on my feet. while she sits at home and plays on facebook all day long and changes a shitty ass here and there and feeds them 3 times a day (never cleans so literally just changes them and feeds them)she makes $400.00/month for each child for child TAX plus she is in housing so she gets an entire 4 bedroom house in a beautiful neighborhood and only has to pay $300.00/month and that includes heat lights everything. then she is also on welfare so she get 1200.00/month for that. so altogether she makes $500.00 more biweekly than i do and there is other income that i didnt even count like the child universal check you get every so many months and gst checks every 4 months AND she can go out and do whatever she wants eveyday. if i had three kids i couldnt afford to live working while she is living the high life being handed thousand of dollars per month for doing nothing but producing babies which are taking more of our hard working peoples money. Ther is so much stress in this life no wonder people are turning to drugs and alcohol. we are not asking for the government to hand us everything on a silver platter we are just asking them to make life a tiny bit easier.
ReplyDeleteI completely hear you I have a whopper story similar. I get to give my husbands ex 50% of MY earned income tax refund every year even though I have never seen a dime of over 52000.00 of support due me and I supported her for 5 years without her mom paying a dime. It is unfair the way the system is. I have always worked up until I was hit with medical issues that prevent me from working. We can hardly get help and have lost essentially everything we live month to month wondering it we'll be homeless. The systems need revamping.
DeleteWelfare is a joke to the working class. By the time I pay my bills people
ReplyDeletenet more on welfare
Where can I get this welfare you speak of? I have worked my whole life and am ill. We don't get shit and because my husband works (14000.00 a year) we get half of his earnings, his child support gets 1/4 & medical insurance gets 1/4. Tell me where to find this help every month I am sick we wonder if this is the month the 4 of us will live in a truck.I guess because when I'm not ill I make over 30000 a yr. I would be happy to be on welfare right now I made too much money before getting sick. We were still below poverty level.
DeleteIf anyone shot my 16 year old bi polar daughter for being a meth head I would over dose them on meth so they could at least understand the addiction before dying. addiction is not simple and has far reaching effects. I am not liberal, I am not extremeist, I am a mamabear who will go to any length to protect my young (even from herself)
ReplyDeleteYou obviously have never made a mistake and think you are god. Oops - I made a mistake you are an idiot!!! Addiction is an illness and many people can be helped. The government. Allows this to happen just to keep people down. Your tax dollars go in their pocket while they keep the majority down. Why would you be on an openminded website like this anyway? It is obvious you are just an angry person being mean. God bless your heart to not judge
ReplyDeleteNever Judge... it could be your child, and never say never. Believe me !!
ReplyDeleteAddiction is a disease, treat it as such. They should he charged with the crimes people commit while on drugs. But the act of "doing" them shouldn't be illegal. There is a difference between drug use and drug abuse. Most drug users or even abusers only "crime" is buying, using or possession of drugs.
ReplyDeleteI personally advise all who are for shooting people for taking drugs to go visit a foreign third world country and live with the people for some time! It will change your lives and maybe heal your pitiful arrogance!!! And surely this will enable you to get out of this egg shell that you are still in! You should work hard on yourself if you wanna evolve... Shooting people vs evolution of mankind...
ReplyDeleteMeth started out as a military tool to keep soldiers fighting, specifically pilots on long missions. They didn't have the same results as todays street meth user because it was pharm fresh meth, not the crap that street users get, prohibition is the major problem, good old pharma meth is not so deveastating on its users and no where near as addictive. Doesn't anybody remember the great pharm drugs flooding the country in the sixties? Mothers little helper and all? Dexies for diets? people use drugs (initially) mainly because they are fun, IMHO, and gofast is plenty fun for some.
ReplyDeleteOMG no wonder our country is in such peril.... IGNORANCE IS AN EPIDEMIC on all levels in all areas of our daily lives. It's too easy for people to sit on their asses on their computers spitting venom into our human race furthering the degradation of it. Good job judgmental people. May you reap every mean word you sow into other peoples lives!
ReplyDeleteYour ignorance is magnified with your inability to spell or write in proper grammar. just saying
ReplyDeleteI cant spell or puncuate. Some say im one of the smartest peolle theve ever met. Einstein couldnt find his own house so his wife painted the door red. Memorizing things in school does not me your necessarily smart just easily brain washed.
ReplyDeleteIf you constantly wreck other peoples lives its easy to be dumb! Sincerely where you get your degree in dealing with mental illness oh wise nothing one¿
ReplyDeleteYeah, because no one can make ONE mistake that takes over their lives! You apparently have never experienced addiction (drugs, alcohol, eating , smoking, shopping ect..or you are just very close minded. I hope you never have this happen to you or a loved one. You think it can't happen to you. Well, in that case I have some swamp land for sale. Santa is my real estate agent. If you can't reach him the Easter Bunny will be happy to take a message.
ReplyDeleteI second that!!! Ignorance and lack of compassion are the downfall of society. Oh, and Obama as president...
ReplyDeletethe vidio dont work
ReplyDeleteYou have such a brilliant mind. I guess, the one to be blamed is the person addicted himself. He wanted it. He will never be on it unless he let to be in his life. And in order to acquire recovery assistance, he must be willing to be recovered and regain. He caused it to his ownself then he must help himself to regain his life again.